Monday, December 26, 2011

Revamped Websites

Improved Healthy Lawn Websites!- As of 12-26-2012 Healthy Lawn's New Sites are operational. Take a peek and explore the new features. We have added a Facebook like button, check your zip code button, and the best feature of all we now have an iframe which means you never have to leave our home page. No matter where you go on our sites you are still on the home page. Check it out and if you like it please click the like button at the top of the page. Also if a member of Facebook please share. Keep watching because we are going to improve our facebook page. It is functional now and we are in the process of adding a few features which will allow followers to make money and enter free sweepstakes for a flat screen TV! 
Check out our new sites

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Winter Specials

We are now in the process of mailing out our Winter Special flyers. The savings are substantial and recipients have until March 1st to sign up. If you would like to be included in the mailing please email me at, go to our website at or call and I will call you with a free quote within 24 hours.

Healthy Lawn, Inc.

Preparing for Spring

As we enter the middle of winter in Western New York there is a lot we can do to prevent snow mold on our lawns come spring. First, make sure that snow from shoveling or a snow plow is spread evenly over the lawn. If it is piled high and stays until spring there is a good chance you will be dealing with snow mold. If severe it will kill the grass. If you do get snow mold be sure to rake it softly to remove the dead and matted grass. 

Rye grass is affected more than other species and is a common type of grass in all northeastern states. Another way to help prevent it is to mow the grass lower in October. Two inches is good. This will keep the grass from folding over increasing the chance of snow mold.